Acorn and Leaf thoughts on Changing the Face of Beauty

 In News

W e absolutely value the companies that are committed to using models of all abilities in their advertising.  Our goal is to create relationships with those companies and in order to do that there must be feedback from both sides.  A week ago we asked the participating companies to tell us what it looks like from their side.  We want to know what it feels like to be a part of our campaign as well as hear their thoughts on the new look of their advertising.

You are just as much a part of this campaign as we all are.  We are working to change the look of YOUR advertising, YOUR world so please let us know what you think!

Next up is Acorn & Leaf.

1. What has participating in Changing the Face of Beauty done for your business (if anything)?

I really honestly didn’t expect anything in return in participating in this Campaign. I was just so eager to work with Adele as she has such a beautiful smile and personality that I knew she would represent our company perfectly. I have noticed an increase in support and traffic to both our facebook page and website since the news clip aired. I also have had a tremendous amount of people asking how they can get involved and sharing the campaign. I am just so pleased that more awareness is being brought to this campaign.


2. Why did you decide to participate in CFOB?

I was contacted through our Business Facebook Page by Krista Mum  to Gorgeous Adele asking if I was going to Change the face of beauty and be one of 15 companies in 2015 to take part. I emailed her back and asked her to give me a call so she could explain what it was all about. After chatting on the phone with her and hearing about this amazing campaign I couldn’t say no. Previous to going on Maternity leave and starting Acorn & Leaf I actually worked in the field for almost 10 years with persons with varying abilities. Inclusion is so important to me and I always wanted to continue to support inclusion once I left my day job to be a full time mom. So when I heard about the Campaign I knew this is something I had to be a part of.

3. What has your experience been when including models with disabilities in your shoots?

The shoot was incredible and can not wait to share photos from it. Adele was such a trooper as she had a long day of multiple outfit changes, hair fixing and being in front of the lens. But wow I honestly could not have asked for anything better. That little lady has stamina and maintained such a positive attidtude! As I would have been curled up in the corner asking for coffee and chocolate after 20 min.

4. What do you hope to communicate to your consumers through your CFOB participation?

I want other companies to step outside the box and take notice that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. Personality resonates in photographs and that we as companies cater to EVERYONE with our products and merchandise. Show diversity and inclusion in your advertising.

Thank you so much for having us be apart of the campaign. It has been a real honor working along side such a beautiful bunch of people. I can not wait to see inclusion go Global and that every company, designer and retail store show their support.
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