
Our message of students of all abilities being included in “Back to School” advertising in 2014 influenced the 2015 #imgoingbacktoschooltoo campaign from the company Livie & Luca, to include children of all abilities in back to school advertising.


Livie & Luca


Photography, video



HEY everyone meet our friend Nate! Guess what? He is going back to school too! Nate loves Legos, sharks, mac n cheese and Spider-Man and dislikes real live spiders and hates the dark and very loud noise… UGH! we don’t like spiders either!


Did you know Aubrie is going back to school too? She is! Aubrie’s favorite color is blue, she loves pickles as a snack, and her teacher Mrs. Bulger. She dislikes flying bugs that sting and onions.


Hey! Did you hear? Our friend Logan is going back to school too! YEP! He is ready. This guy is a HUGE fan of Mickey and can’t wait to dive into reading this year! We are so proud of him!


You all have GOT to meet our friend Quinn! Cause guess what? She is going back to school too! Quinn is a smart girl who LOVES the camera and the opportunity to be in advertising campaigns. She is heading to Jr High this year and we wish her the best year ever.


Meet our friend Grace! She is going back to school! She is a sweet adventurer that knows no strangers. She and her Mama are the first to step in on #changingthefaceofbeauty events to help out. We appreciate her help and love for all kids. We hope you have the BEST year yet Gracie!

Mary Cate

Mary Cate is a big sister to Maggie and a soon to be new little baby. She and her mom travel around to schools all across the midwest teaching students to#choosekind. Mary Cate has been to over 100 school in the past 2 years! Guess what! She is going back to school too! Yep! She is!


So say hello to Grace! Guess what she is going back to school too Yep! She is a rock star! She is beautiful and loves sports, her brother and has a huge personality. She gets nervous sometimes but once relaxed her personality shines! AND she will be at school this year!


Little Maven by Tori Spelling<br />
Fall 2013
Little Maven by Tori Spelling
Fall 2013

Contacted Tori Spelling to create and promote an inclusive look book featuring children of all abilities and backgrounds across the nation wearing her Little Maven designs.

Matilda Jane<br />
Spring 2014
Matilda Jane
Spring 2014

Took the message of inclusion in advertising to the Today Show by showing their viewers an inclusive photo shoot in collaboration with Matilda Jane Clothing.

  • To be honest, I wasn’t really sure what to expect before the first shoot. My philosophy in business has been to always try and go with my gut reaction. Sometimes the result is great, sometimes not so much, but at least I don’t wind up wondering-WHAT IF? With CFOB first and foremost,  the photos are fabulous. Katie has a wonderful eye. As a designer, I never look at the final pictures and feel like I have done anything different by using models that might have physical or developmental disabilities.

    Cindy Estes Owner and Founder of SEAM
  • In our imagery we have always included models from a variety of ethnic backgrounds, so it is not a stretch to include models of all abilities as well. Honestly? We just didn’t think of it! So when we were approached by Changing the Face of Beauty, a light went on, and it was instantly obvious to us that this was what Freckles+Kitty is all about. It was certainly not a difficult decision to participate, once we realized that the option was there. It speaks to who we are as people, as a brand, and, by extension, as a company.

    Freckles + Kitty
  • Yes, I was so lucky to be able to attend the photo shoot. In my previous life, I am from apparel, so I have been to plenty of photo shoots and fashion shows. This hands down was the best behaved group of models, adult or kids, I have ever witnessed. It may partially have to do with how organized and enthusiastic the photographer was. When you love and believe it what you are doing, it really shows in the work.

    Melissa Bullock North American Bear
  • I want other companies to step outside the box and take notice that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. Personality resonates in photographs and that we as companies cater to EVERYONE with our products and merchandise. Show diversity and inclusion in your advertising.

    Acorn and Leaf
  • I never have the right words as to why this campaign, Change the Face of Beauty means so much to me. I cannot explain why when I went to the first shoot back in the Spring I was so touched.

    Denise DeMarchis Founder of Matilda Jane Clothing
  • Changing the Face of Beauty has further highlighted the work we have done to include children of all abilities. The positive outpouring of support on our social media channels has been immense, and our fan base has grown because of it.

    Step 2
  • Changing the Face of Beauty has helped us form relationships and bonds with customers, companies, and organizations that we otherwise may not have. It is inspiring and heart warming how many people have reached out and are touched that we are involved in such a powerful movement to change the current media and advertising norms. Every email and social media comment has continued to fuel our commitment to the campaign and our community.

    Mitzi Rivas Founder Livie + Luca
  • We want every child to feel beautiful and unique when they wear our raincoats.   We think our coats are very special… and we want our advertising to reflect the audience we desire to wear our coats, which is every beautiful child of all abilities, race, nationalities..tall, short, feisty, shy… and the list goes on!

    Oil + Water
  • ... you are much stronger when you embrace all the people and competition around you. As I’m photographing, uploading, or just folding all the clothing from so many different companies I am honored to be part of this. I am flattered to see so many people join forces to help Change the Face of Beauty.

    Denise DeMarchis Founder of The Mighty Acorn
  • As a mom of four, it’s so important to me that my children be treated with love and respect by everyone they encounter. By changing traditional standards in children's advertising, Changing the Face of Beauty works to ensure that every child experiences that respect.

    Tori Spelling
The Mighty Acorn<br />
Fall 2014
The Mighty Acorn
Fall 2014

Partnered with The Mighty Acorn Foundation (whose mission is to help rescue children living in unimaginable conditions) and educated 10 childrens’ brands on what it looks like when children of all abilities are photographed together, as well as created look books and marketing products for each company to share with their consumers.

Back to School<br />
Fall 2014
Back to School
Fall 2014

Launched an inclusive photo shoot featuring students of all abilities returning to school after determining that children with disabilities were not represented in any of the major brands “Back to School” imagery. Together with brands, RUUM, SEAM Collection, CHOOZE, The Good Ones and Tea Collection, we were able to capture through our imagery the attention of the media world wide.

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